September 10-19, 1866

Journal Entry 19: September 1866

HIghlights from the Journal of Edwin Mitchell, Vol. I:

Sep. 10: "Came on deck this morning at eight bells, worked all the watch a scrubbing paint work. This P.M. my watch below, finished covering the strands for my beckettsBecket Beckett

A looped rope, strap, hook and eye, or grommet used as a handle or as an oarlock.
, turned in at four bells. Scrubbed paint work all the dog watchDog watch

Two half watches of two hours each into which the period from 4 pm to 8 pm is divided. The purpose of dividing this watch into two parts is to produce an uneven number of watches in 24 hours, 7 instead of 6. This ensures that watchkeepers in ships, whether organized into two or three watches, do not keep the same watches every day. These two watches are known as the First Dog and Last Dog.

Sep. 11: "After breakfast I worked on covering ends for the knots to my becketts until four bells, then turned in. This P.M. I have been at work a scraping and puttying the rail in the dog watch, then worked on my beckets."

Sep. 12: "This P.M. my watch below cut out the leathers for my becketts, then turned in."

Sep. 14: "Came on deck this morning at eight bells and worked at several jobs during the watch. This P.M. my watch below mended a pair of pants, turned in at two bells. In the dog watch I helped the second mate mix putty."

Sep. 15: "Turned to this morning at three bells, I watered the fowl and sheep, then went down into the well room with the carpenter to see about the pumps."

Sep. 16: "Came on deck this morning at eight bells and oiled down the ropes. Worked on my becketts a little during the watch. This P.M. I worked on my becketts until three bells, then turned in. In the dog watch I covered the ends for one of the knots."

Sep. 17: "Turned to this morning at two bells, I watered my hens and sheep, then scraped the thwartsThwarts

Seats or braces across a boat on which rowers may sit.
of a boat until eight bells. After breakfast I worked a little on my becketts, mended a shirt and then turned in. This P.M. I worked a painting until four bells, then went into the cabin to help the boys scrape and holystoneHolystone

A soft sandstone used to scrub the deck of a wooden ship. The word can be used as a noun or as a verb.

Sep. 18: "Came on deck this morning at eight bells. Went to work mixing putty but had to leave it and go into the cabin to work. This P.M. it was my watch below, but I had to work in the cabin. Boys do not need any sleep!"

Sept. 19: "Turned to this morning at two bells and done my usual jobs, then oiled down ropes until eight bells. After breakfast I finished the knots to my becketts, then turned in. This P.M. I worked on the rail a little, then drew off a little vinegar. At four bells I went into the cabin to work oiling. In the dog watch Jim and I holystoned our messMess

The area on board a vessel where the ship's crew members gather to eat their meals.