6-8 Learning Results

5-8 Learning Results

This section has been updated to include the new Maine Learning Results adopted by the state legislature in 2019 and 2020. The standards listed below may be addressed using the content provided in this chapter, depending on the activities implemented by the teacher. Some suggested activities are provided online, but many more are possible. The books, video, primary sources, and websites listed under resources provide additional suggestions. Visit the Penobscot Marine Museum Field Trips and Remote Field Trips page for more information on virtual or in-person staff-led programs.

Our 6-8 version of our Working the Bay Program gives a more in depth look at the important natural resources and trades of 19th century Maine.  Students look at primary source photographs and artifacts and deduce information about what life was like in the past.  Students will gain some understanding of, “the principles and processes of economics, the role of markets...and how economics serves to inform decisions in the present and future,” through an overview of Maine economy from 17th century to the present.

Social Studies

  • Civics & Government 3:(F1) (D1) (D2) 
  • Civics & Government 3: (F2) (D2) 
  • Economics: (D1) 
  • Global Connections: (F1) (D1) 
  • Geography 1: (F1) (F2) (F3) (D1) (D2) 
  • Geography 2: (F1) (D1) 
  • History 1: (F1) (F2) (D1) (D2) 
  • History 2: (F1) (F2) (F3) (D1) (D2) (D3)