Brewer Jan. 1st 1882

Margaret continued her journal once back in Brewer, at least for a little while!


Brewer Jan. 1st 1882

As "all the girls" were going to keep a diary I thought I would recommence my journal. It is very warm today and no snow nor ice which is something unusual for this season of year. I went to meeting and Sabbath school today but did not get any book as they did not give out any. In the evening Carrie and I and Grace went to meeting at the Methodist. Last evening Beckie Green, Rene Gilmore and Carrie Stone were here to tea and spend the evening. The Methodists had a watch meeting last night.

Thie evening the Congregationalist had their annual report of the church, it was quite interesting. Mr. Aiken, Mr. Snow, and others spoke. Carrie and I and Cath sat together in our pew.

Went to Northport Aug. 5 and staid (stayed) until Aug. 16